
Customer Experience Management

15 Retail Customer Experience Management Trends for 2024

Thu, 12 Jan 2023 09:10:18 GMT


Editor’s Note: This post was originally published in Jan 2023 and was updated in Jan 2024 for accuracy and comprehensiveness.

Retail customer experience management refers to the process of designing and enhancing customer journeys from the initial point of contact through post-purchase customer service. CEM is vital in retail, as it impacts loyalty, satisfaction, and sales.

The retail industry is always looking for a simple and efficient way to streamline operations, provide a seamless customer experience, and optimise the customer’s lifetime value. Customer experience management helps retailers accomplish these goals by providing them with the tools to measure and understand how customers shop within their stores.

Effective CEM involves understanding the needs and preferences of customers, identifying pain points and areas for improvement in the customer journey, and implementing strategies and technologies to enhance the customer experience. Some of the key trends in CEM for retail include the use of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning, augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR), hyper-personalization, experiential retail, big data, omnichannel retail, consumer privacy, and data protection, shipping transparency, chatbots, video marketing, powerful reporting and analytics, customer feedback systems, unique selling points for physical stores, employee empowerment, and the unification of customer-facing functions.

The article discusses retail customer experience management, as well as retail customer experience management trends that employ innovative technologies to provide personalised and consistent customer journeys. Learn how to leverage these trends to create a better customer experience and drive sales.


15 Retail Customer Experience Management Trends for 2024



1. Artificial Intelligence (AI) & Machine Learning

Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning are increasingly being used in customer experience management (CEM) to improve the customer journey and drive business growth. Here are a few ways in which AI and machine learning are being used in CEM:

- Predictive Analytics

AI and machine learning can help retailers to predict customer behaviour and preferences, which can be used to deliver personalised experiences and recommendations.


- Virtual Assistants and Chatbots

Using AI-powered chatbots and virtual assistants, businesses can provide personalised customer support and assistance in real-time, around-the-clock.


- Analysing Sentiment

Robotics can be used to analyse customer feedback and identify sentiment, assisting retailers in understanding customers’ attitudes towards their products and services.


- Personalised Marketing

Machine learning algorithms can be used to analyse customer data and deliver personalised marketing campaigns, such as targeted emails or personalised product recommendations.


- Fraud Detection

AI and machine learning can be used to detect fraudulent activity, helping retailers to protect their customers and their businesses.



2. Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR)

Augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) are becoming increasingly popular in customer experience management (CEM). Here are a few ways in which AR and VR are being used in retail customer experience management:


- Product visualisation

AR and VR can be used to help customers visualise products in their own environments, such as furniture in a home or clothing on a person.


- In-store experiences

Retailers are using AR and VR to create immersive in-store experiences, such as virtual try-on stations or virtual reality product demonstrations.


- Training and education

AR and VR can be used to train employees and educate customers about products and services in a more interactive and engaging way.


- Customer support

VR can be used to provide remote customer support, allowing customer service representatives to virtually walk customers through problem-solving processes.


- Marketing campaigns

AR and VR can be used to create engaging marketing campaigns that drive customer interest and engagement.

Overall, AR and VR have the potential to enhance the customer experience by creating more immersive and interactive experiences for customers.



3. Hyper-Personalization

Hyper-personalization refers to the use of data and technology to deliver highly personalised experiences to customers. This can include personalised recommendations, customised product offerings, and targeted marketing. Here are a few ways in which hyper-personalization is being used in customer experience management (CEM):


- Personalised recommendations

Machine learning algorithms can be used to analyse customer data and make personalised product recommendations based on past purchases, browsing history, and other factors.


- Customised product offerings

Retailers can use data to create customised product offerings for individual customers, such as personalised apparel or customised gift boxes.


- Targeted marketing

Retailers can use data to deliver targeted marketing campaigns to specific customers based on their interests, preferences, and behaviours.


Overall, hyper-personalization has the potential to enhance the customer experience by making it more relevant and tailored to the individual needs and preferences of each customer.



4. Experiential Retail

Experiential retail refers to the use of immersive, interactive experiences to enhance the customer journey and drive brand loyalty. Here are a few ways in which experiential retail is being used in customer experience management (CEM):


- In-store events

Retailers can host in-store events, such as workshops, demonstrations, or product launches, to create engaging experiences for customers.


- Pop-up stores

Retailers can create temporary, experiential pop-up stores that offer unique, immersive shopping experiences.


- Immersive installations

Retailers can create immersive installations, such as virtual reality product demonstrations or interactive displays, to enhance the customer experience.


- Interactive social media campaigns

Retailers can use social media to create interactive campaigns that engage customers and encourage them to participate in experiential activities.


Overall, experiential retail has the potential to create a more memorable and engaging customer experience, which can drive brand loyalty and sales.



5. Big Data

Big data refers to the large amounts of data that are generated by businesses and consumers every day. In customer experience management (CEM), big data can be used to understand customer behaviour, preferences, and needs, and to deliver personalised experiences and recommendations. Here are a few ways in which big data is being used in CEM:


- Personalization

Retailers can use big data to deliver personalised experiences and recommendations to customers based on their past purchases, browsing history, and other factors.


- Customer segmentation

Retailers can use big data to segment customers into groups based on their characteristics, behaviours, and preferences, and to tailor marketing and sales efforts accordingly.


- Customer analytics

Retailers can use big data to analyse customer data and gain insights into customer behaviours, preferences, and needs, which can inform decision-making and strategy.


- Predictive analytics

Retailers can use big data and predictive analytics to forecast future customer behaviour and make data-driven decisions.


Overall, big data has the potential to help retailers understand their customers better and deliver more relevant and personalised experiences, which can drive customer loyalty and sales.



6. Omnichannel Retail Customer Experience Management

Omnichannel retail refers to the integration of a company’s online and offline channels to create a seamless customer experience. Omnichannel customer experience management (CEM) involves ensuring that the customer experience is consistent and cohesive across all channels, including in-store, online, and mobile. Here are a few ways in which omnichannel CEM is being used in retail:


- Unified customer profiles

Retailers can use customer data to create unified profiles that provide a comprehensive view of each customer across all channels.


- Personalization

Retailers can use customer data to deliver personalised experiences and recommendations to customers across all channels.


- Inventory management

Retailers can use omnichannel systems to manage inventory and ensure that products are available and can be easily located across all channels.


- Order management

Retailers can use omnichannel systems to manage orders and returns across all channels, providing a seamless experience for customers.

Overall, omnichannel CEM has the potential to create a more seamless and convenient customer experience, which can drive customer loyalty and sales.



7. Consumer Privacy and Data Protection

Consumer privacy and data protection are becoming increasingly important in customer experience management (CEM). As businesses collect more data on customers, it is important to ensure that this data is collected, used, and stored in a way that protects the privacy of customers and complies with relevant laws and regulations. Here are a few ways in which consumer privacy and data protection are being addressed in CEM:


- Data governance

Retailers are implementing data governance policies and procedures to ensure that customer data is collected, used, and stored in a responsible and compliant manner.


- Privacy policies

Retailers are reviewing and updating their privacy policies to ensure that they are clear, transparent, and compliant with relevant laws and regulations.


- Data minimization

Retailers are focusing on collecting only the data that is necessary to provide a good customer experience and are implementing measures to minimise the amount of data that is collected.


- Data security

Retailers are implementing security measures to protect customer data from unauthorised access, use, or disclosure.


Overall, consumer privacy and data protection are critical considerations in CEM, and retailers are taking steps to ensure that customer data is collected, used, and stored in a responsible and compliant manner.



8. Shipping Transparency

Shipping transparency refers to the practice of providing customers with clear and accurate information about the shipping process, including delivery times, tracking information, and any potential delays. Here are a few ways in which shipping transparency is being used in customer experience management (CEM):


- Real-time tracking

Retailers are providing real-time tracking information to customers, so they can see the progress of their orders and estimated delivery times.


- Delivery updates

Retailers are sending delivery updates to customers via email or text message to keep them informed about the status of their orders.


- Delivery options

Retailers are offering a range of delivery options, such as same-day delivery, in-store pickup, or delivery to a designated location, to provide customers with more control and flexibility.


- Returns and exchanges

Retailers are providing clear information to customers about their return and exchange policies, including any deadlines or fees that may apply.


Overall, shipping transparency helps to improve the customer experience by providing customers with accurate and up-to-date information about their orders and giving them more control over the delivery process.



9. Chatbots Automation for Improved CX

Chatbots are automated computer programs that are designed to mimic human conversation and can be used to provide customer support and assistance. Chatbots are being used in customer experience management (CEM) to improve the customer experience in a number of ways:


- Instant support

Chatbots can provide instant support to customers, 24/7, allowing them to get answers to their questions or resolve issues in real time.


- Personalised assistance

Chatbots can use machine learning algorithms to analyse customer data and provide personalised recommendations and assistance based on past purchases, browsing history, and other factors.


- Streamlined processes

Chatbots can be used to streamline processes such as order tracking, returns, and exchanges, making it easier for customers to get the assistance they need.


- Multilingual support

Chatbots can be programmed to support multiple languages, making it easier for retailers to provide assistance to customers who speak languages other than English.


Overall, chatbots can help to improve the customer experience by providing instant, personalised support and assistance, which can help to drive customer loyalty and satisfaction.



10. Adopt Video Marketing

Video marketing refers to the use of video content to promote products or services and engage customers. Video marketing is being used in customer experience management (CEM) to improve the customer experience in a number of ways:


- Product demonstrations

Retailers can use video to demonstrate how their products work, highlighting features and benefits in a more engaging way.


- Customer testimonials

Retailers can use video to showcase customer testimonials, which can help to build trust and credibility with potential customers.


- Interactive experiences

Retailers can use video to create interactive experiences for customers, such as virtual reality product demonstrations or interactive quiz games.


- Personalised marketing

Retailers can use video to deliver personalised marketing messages to customers based on their interests and preferences.

Overall, video marketing has the potential to enhance the customer experience by providing engaging and interactive content that helps to drive customer interest and loyalty.



11. Powerful Reporting and Analytics

Powerful reporting and analytics are critical for customer experience management (CEM), as they provide insights into customer behaviours, preferences, and needs, and can inform decision making and strategy. Here are a few ways in which powerful reporting and analytics are being used in CEM:


- Customer segmentation

Retailers can use reporting and analytics to segment customers into groups based on their characteristics, behaviours, and preferences, and to tailor marketing and sales efforts accordingly.


- Customer analytics

Reports and analytics can help retailers identify areas for improvement and understand how customers interact with their products.


- Predictive analytics

Retailers can use predictive analytics to forecast future customer behaviour and make data-driven decisions.


- Data visualisation

Retailers can use data visualisation tools to make data easier to understand and interpret, allowing them to quickly identify trends and insights.

Overall, powerful reporting and analytics are essential for understanding customers and delivering better experiences, which can drive customer loyalty and sales.



12. Customer Feedback System

A customer feedback system is a tool that allows businesses to collect and manage customer feedback, typically through surveys, reviews, or other means. Customer feedback systems are being used in retail customer experience management (CEM) to improve the customer experience in a number of ways:


- Identifying areas for improvement

Customer feedback can help businesses to identify areas where they can improve the customer experience, such as by addressing common issues or complaints.


- Enhancing products and services

Customer feedback can help businesses to understand what customers want and need, which can inform product and service development.


- Building trust and credibility

By actively seeking and responding to customer feedback, businesses can build trust and credibility with customers.


- Personalization

Customer feedback systems can be used to collect data on customer preferences and behaviours, which can be used to deliver personalised experiences and recommendations.

Overall, a customer feedback system can help businesses to understand their customers better and deliver better experiences, which can drive customer loyalty and satisfaction.



13. Unique Selling Point for Physical Stores

Physical stores face increasing competition from online retailers, and it is important for them to have a unique selling point (USP) to differentiate themselves and attract customers. Here are a few ways in which physical stores can create a unique selling point in customer experience management (CEM):


- Personalised experiences

Physical stores can use data and technology to deliver personalised experiences and recommendations to customers, such as through the use of in-store kiosks or personal shoppers.


- Immersive experiences

Physical stores can create immersive experiences for customers, such as through the use of interactive displays or experiential installations.


- Expertise and advice

Physical stores can differentiate themselves by providing expert advice and assistance to customers, such as through in-store workshops or product demonstrations.


- Convenience

Physical stores can focus on convenience, such as by offering easy returns, in-store pickup, or same-day delivery.

Overall, physical stores can create a unique selling point by delivering personalised, immersive, and convenient experiences that set them apart from online retailers and drive customer loyalty.



14. Improving CX with Employee Empowerment

Employee empowerment refers to the practice of giving employees the authority, resources, and support they need to deliver great customer experiences. Here are a few ways in which employee empowerment can improve customer experience management (CEM):


- Improved customer service

Empowered employees are more likely to be motivated and engaged, which can lead to better customer service.


- Greater flexibility

Empowered employees have the autonomy to make decisions and solve problems on the spot, which can lead to a more flexible and responsive customer experience.


- Increased efficiency

Empowered employees are more likely to be productive and efficient, which can lead to faster resolution of customer issues and a more streamlined customer experience.


- Enhanced innovation

Empowered employees are more likely to be creative and come up with new ideas, which can lead to more innovative and differentiated customer experiences.

Overall, employee empowerment is a key component of a great customer experience, as it allows employees to deliver better service, be more flexible and responsive, and come up with new and innovative ideas.



15. Unification of Customer-facing Functions

The unification of customer-facing functions refers to the integration of different customer-facing teams or departments in order to provide a more seamless and consistent customer experience. Here are a few ways in which the unification of customer-facing functions can improve customer experience management (CEM):


- Improved coordination

By unifying customer-facing functions, businesses can better coordinate their efforts and provide a more seamless and consistent customer experience.


- Enhanced customer insights

By bringing different customer-facing teams together, businesses can gain a more comprehensive view of their customers and their needs, which can inform decision-making and strategy.


- Greater efficiency

Unifying customer-facing functions can lead to more efficient processes, as teams can work together more seamlessly and avoid duplication of effort.


- Increased customer satisfaction

By providing a more seamless and consistent customer experience, businesses can improve customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Overall, the unification of customer-facing functions can help businesses to deliver a better customer experience and drive customer loyalty.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)



Here are some frequently asked questions about retail customer experience management:


1. What is Retail Customer Experience Management?

Retail customer experience management is the practice of designing and improving the interactions between a retailer and its customers throughout the customer journey, in order to increase customer satisfaction and loyalty.



2. Is Customer Experience Important in Retail?

Customer experience is important in retail because it can have a significant impact on customer loyalty, satisfaction, and overall business performance. A positive customer experience can lead to increased customer retention, repeat business, and positive word-of-mouth, which can all contribute to a company's bottom line.



3. What Does Customer Experience Management Do?

Customer experience management (CEM or CXM) refers to the collection of processes a company uses to monitor, oversee, and organise every interaction between a customer and the company over the course of a customer's lifetime.



4. How Do You Measure Customer Experience in Retail?

Retailers can measure customer experience in a number of ways, including:

- Customer satisfaction surveys

- Net Promoter Score (NPS)

- Customer retention rates

- Customer lifetime value (CLV)

- Online reviews and ratings

- Social media mentions


5. What Are The Four Components Of Customer Experience?

Customer experience consists of four key elements: a customer-centric culture, well-designed touchpoints, consistent quality, and satisfied customers.





Your retail store should implement these trends. Retail is a fast-moving industry, so store owners have to keep up with the latest trends to stay competitive. There are always going to be trends. Retailers need to follow the above customer experience retail trends to dominate the market in 2024.


Take Advantage of Sekel Tech Customer Experience Management Tool



If you want to improve the customer experience at your store, you should get the right technology in place first. This is where Sekel Tech’s customer experience management tool comes in. It is easy for Sekel Tech to integrate technology to support omnichannel retail CX, hyper-personalization, experiential retail, and more.

Sekel Tech’s retail customer experience management platform is designed for digitally-focused B2B companies that aim to increase the lifetime value of their customers. The Sekel Tech platform enables customers to receive radically personalised customer service centred around their needs, resulting in increased revenue and customer loyalty. Sekel Tech is used by some of the world’s most innovative companies, including Kalyan Jewellers,  Bridgestone, BlackBerry, Gulf Oil India, ExxonMobil, Schneider Electric, and many others to establish long-term customer relationships.

Create multichannel commerce experiences for B2C and B2B customers on one platform. We provide a future-proof commerce platform that’s endlessly flexible and scalable, from the catalogue to payment to fulfilment.

In the future, retail will have both a solid physical presence and a robust online presence. Implementing Sekel Tech’s technology trends can streamline your retail operations and improve customer satisfaction.


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