
Digital Commerce

Digital Commerce Insights: 5 Ways to Boost Your Bottom Line

Fri, 13 Jan 2023 06:26:47 GMT

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Digital commerce insights refer to data and information that is gathered through digital channels and platforms, such as e-commerce websites and social media, and is used to improve the performance of a digital commerce business.

This can include data on customer demographics, behaviours, sales trends, preferences, and interactions with the business, as well as data on sales, marketing effectiveness, and advertising efforts. It can be used to inform business decisions and strategies related to customer acquisition, retention, and growth, as well as to optimise pricing, inventory management, and other operational aspects of the business.

It is the data and insights generated through the process of buying and selling goods and services online that are considered digital commerce insights. By analysing this data, businesses can gain a better understanding of their customers and how to better serve their needs, as well as identify opportunities for growth and improvement. Some examples of are:

 - Customer demographic data, such as age, gender, and location
 - Customer purchase history and preferences
 - Website traffic and conversion data
 - Marketing campaign performance data
 - Customer satisfaction and loyalty metrics

E-commerce insights can be generated through a variety of sources, including website analytics tools, customer surveys and feedback, and data from customer relationship management (CRM) systems. By collecting and analysing this data, businesses can make informed decisions about how to improve the customer experience and drive business growth.


Use Digital Commerce Insights



Here are five ways that you can use insights to boost your bottom line:


1. To Improve Customer Engagement

Using digital commerce insights to improve customer engagement can involve a variety of tactics and strategies, depending on your business and your customers. Some ideas for using them to improve customer engagement might include:


a. Personalising the Customer Experience

Use insights on customer preferences and behaviours to personalise the shopping experience and create a more relevant and engaging experience for your customers.


b. Providing Timely and Relevant Communication

Use insights on customer needs and interests to tailor your communication with customers, and send timely and relevant messages that will be more likely to engage them.


c. Improving the Customer Journey

Use insights on customer pain points and challenges to identify opportunities to improve the customer journey and make it easier and more enjoyable for customers to interact with your business.


d. Creating a Sense of Community

Use insights on customer interests and behaviours to create a sense of community among your customers, and encourage them to engage with your business and with each other.

e. Offering Personalised Recommendations

Use insights on customer purchase history and preferences to offer personalised product recommendations that are more likely to be of interest to your customers.


2. To Optimise Product Listings


Here are some ways you can use ecommerce insights to optimise your product listings:


a. Use relevant keywords in your product titles and descriptions to make it easier for customers to find your products.

b. Include high-quality product images to help customers get a better sense of what they’re purchasing.

c. Make sure to include detailed product specifications and descriptions to give customers all the information they need to make an informed purchase.

d. Use customer reviews and ratings to showcase the quality of your products and build trust with potential customers.

e. Monitor your competitors’ product listings and pricing to ensure that you’re offering competitive prices and features.

f. Experiment with different pricing strategies, such as offering discounts or bundle deals, to see what works best for your products.


Utilise tools to track customer engagement and use that data to optimise your product listings.


3. To Improve Customer Acquisition

To improve customer acquisition, you can involve a variety of tactics and strategies, depending on your business and your target audience. Some ideas for using insights to improve customer acquisition might include:


a. Identifying Target Audience Segments

Use insights on customer demographics, behaviours, and interests to identify specific audience segments that are most likely to be interested in your products or services.


b. Targeting Marketing and Advertising Effort

Use insights on customer preferences and behaviours to inform your marketing and advertising efforts, and target your efforts to the audience segments that are most likely to convert into customers.


c. Optimising Your Website and Online Presence

Use digital commerce insights on customer preferences and behaviours to optimise your website and online presence for customer acquisition. This can include things like improving the usability and design of your website, and optimising your website for search engines.


d. Offering Incentives and Promotions

Use insights on customer needs and motivations to create incentives and promotions that will be more likely to attract new customers.


e. Improving Customer Service

Use insights on customer pain points and challenges to improve your customer service, and make it easier and more enjoyable for new customers to interact with your business.


4. To Improve Customer Retention 


There are several ways that ecommerce insights can be used to improve customer retention:


a. Personalization

Using data on customer behaviour and preferences, digital commerce businesses can create personalised experiences that make customers feel valued and encourage them to continue doing business with the company.


b. Customer Service

By analysing customer feedback and complaints, digital commerce businesses can identify areas where they need to improve their customer service and take steps to address those issues.


c. Product Recommendations

By analysing data on customer purchasing patterns, digital commerce businesses can make personalised product recommendations to customers, which can help keep them engaged with the company’s offerings.


d. Marketing Campaigns

Digital commerce businesses can use data on customer behaviour and preferences to create targeted marketing campaigns that are more likely to be successful in retaining customers.


e. Loyalty Programs

By analysing data on customer behaviour, digital commerce businesses can create loyalty programs that reward customers for their continued business and encourage them to remain loyal to the company.


5. To Improve Customer Satisfaction

There are several ways that you can use ecommerce insights to improve customer satisfaction:


a. Analyse customer feedback and reviews to identify pain points and areas for improvement.

b. Monitor customer service metrics such as response time and resolution rate to ensure that you are meeting the needs of your customers.

c. Use data analytics tools to track customer behaviour and identify trends. This can help you understand what your customers want and how they prefer to interact with your business.

d. Use customer segmentation to personalise the shopping experience and provide targeted recommendations and offers.

e. Implement chatbots or other AI-powered customer service tools to improve the efficiency and speed of your customer service.

f. Utilise customer data to improve the usability and functionality of your website or app.

g. Monitor your competition and stay up-to-date on industry trends to ensure that you are offering a competitive and relevant product or service.


Overall, the key is to be proactive in gathering and analysing data, and using it to continuously improve the customer experience.


How to Analyse Digital Commerce Insights 



Analysing insights can help you understand how customers interact with your online store and identify opportunities for growth. There are several ways to analyse ecommerce insights in order to gain a better understanding of your customers and improve the performance of your business. Here are some steps you can take:

1. Identify Your Goals

The first step in analysing e-commerce insights is to identify what you want to learn or achieve. Do you want to understand your customer demographics, track changes in customer behaviour, or measure the effectiveness of your marketing efforts?


2. Gather Data

Next, gather the data and digital commerce insights that will help you achieve your goals. Collect data from various sources, such as your website analytics, customer surveys, and sales data. Make sure the data you collect is relevant to your business and specific goals.


3. Organise and Clean the Data

After you have gathered your data, organise and clean it to ensure that it is accurate and ready for analysis. This may involve removing duplicate records, correcting errors, or formatting the data in a specific way.


4. Identify Key Metrics

Identify the key metrics that are relevant to your business, such as website traffic, conversion rates, and customer lifetime value. Use these metrics to track performance over time and identify trends.


5. Analyse the Data

Use the data you have collected and organised to identify patterns and trends. Look for opportunities to optimise your online store, such as by improving your website’s usability, adjusting your pricing strategy, or increasing your marketing efforts.


6. Take Action

Based on your analysis, make data-driven decisions to improve your online store. Implement the changes you have identified, and continue to monitor your performance to see if your actions have had the desired effect.


7. Communicate Your Findings

Use the insights you gathered to inform your business’ decision-making and strategy.

It’s important to note that the insights can vary from business to business and the data you collect may differ. The above steps are general guidelines for the process of analysing ecommerce insights.



FAQs (Frequently Asked Question) 



1. What is Insight in eCommerce?

eCommerce insights: Data and information used to understand customers, market trends, and performance in order to make data-driven decisions that improve online performance and increase revenue.


2. What are the 3 Types of Insight?

Types of insights:

- Descriptive insights describe what has happened in the past.

- Diagnostic insights help explain why something has happened.

- Predictive insights use historical data and statistical models to predict what is likely to happen in the future.


3. What is the Difference Between Digital Commerce and eCommerce?

Difference between digital commerce and eCommerce: E-commerce is buying and selling online, while digital commerce encompasses all forms of commerce that take place through digital channels.


4. What Are the Benefits of Digital Commerce?

Benefits of digital commerce: 24/7 availability, reduced costs, global reach, personalised marketing campaigns, and increased revenue potential.


5. Why Insight is Good for Business?

Provides valuable knowledge and intelligence to define, improve, or solve a company's problems, and is derived from data analysis in the age of data.





In today's competitive e-commerce landscape, using digital commerce insights can give businesses a significant advantage. By utilising data on customer behaviour and preferences, businesses can improve customer engagement, optimise product listings, acquire new customers, retain existing ones, and ultimately improve customer satisfaction. To make the most of e-commerce insights, businesses should have a clear understanding of their target audience, what metrics to track and how to analyse the data. And tools like Sekel Tech's Digital Commerce solution can provide businesses with the necessary data and insights needed to gain a competitive edge in the industry.


Take Advantage of Sekel Tech’s Digital Commerce Solution


Sekel Tech is a digital commerce solution focused on helping businesses with their digital transformation efforts in the e-commerce space. Also focused on helping businesses better understand and connect with their local audience through measuring engagement across different channels and identifying key moments in the customer journey.


Here are a few ways you can take advantage of this solution:

1. Targeted Marketing

By using Sekel Tech’s solution to measure engagement across channels, you can gain a better understanding of which channels and types of content are most effective in reaching and engaging with your local audience. This can help you to optimise your marketing efforts and target your messages more effectively.


2. Personalization

The solution’s ability to identify key moments in the customer journey can help you to create more personalised and relevant experiences for your customers, which can increase engagement and build stronger relationships.


3. Optimise Your Local SEO

Optimising your local SEO is the key to reaching your local audience. The solution can help you to understand how to optimise your website and online presence to improve your visibility and reach in local search results.


4. Local Insights

With this solution, you can gain digital commerce insights into your local audience’s behaviour, preferences, and pain points. This can help you to make better-informed decisions about your products, services, and overall business strategy.


5. Streamline Your Operations

Sekel Tech’s solution can help you to automate and streamline many of your e-commerce operations, such as inventory management, order fulfilment, and customer service. This can help you to save time, reduce costs, and improve the overall efficiency of your business.


6. Improve Customer Experience

By leveraging Sekel Tech’s solution for digital transformation, you can create a more seamless, personalised, and engaging customer experience. This can help you to drive sales, increase customer loyalty, and build a stronger brand.


7. Optimise Your Digital Presence

Sekel Tech’s solution can help you to optimise your e-commerce platform, website, and other digital channels to improve their performance and reach.


8. Gain Valuable Insights

With Sekel Tech’s solution, you can gain valuable insights into customer behaviour, preferences, and pain points. This can help you to make better-informed decisions about your products, services, and overall business strategy.


9. Integration

As it is a dynamic engagement platform, it can integrate with other tools and systems you already use such as customer relationship management software and payment gateways, this will give you a better understanding of your customers behaviour and preferences.

It’s also important to regularly review the insights provided by the solution and make adjustments to your digital transformation strategy as needed. Overall, it is important to have a good understanding of your business needs and goals, in order to take the most advantage of Sekel Tech’s digital commerce solution.



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