
Customer Experience Management

Find the Best CEM Solutions to Sell and Grow Your Business

Thu, 22 Jun 2023 11:34:45 GMT


CEM solutions serve a number of functions beyond collecting and analyzing customer feedback. To improve customer experience, retention rate, and bottom-line profitability, let brands gain real-time insights into their customers’ likes and dislikes.

The customer experience plays a crucial role in retaining and rewarding customers. However, measuring and improving customer satisfaction is difficult without the use of innovative tools that streamline processes and automate interactions with customers. It is at this point that tools such as customer experience management solutions come in handy.

Choosing the best CEM solution is crucial to creating a seamless customer journey for your buyers. In this article, we have included some of the best CEM solutions that will help you increase conversions and improve the quality of your customer service.


What is the CEM Solution



In today’s world, most companies know that they need to provide their customers with a great experience. A major obstacle is that companies do not know what their customers need, want, or desire. As a result, such companies do not comprehend how much value a good customer experience can add. In order to improve the customer experience, companies need software that allows them to gain a deeper understanding of their customers. The purpose of customer experience solutions is to gather data from the customer and to serve the customer. Data collected is useful for analyzing what customers want and how to provide it to them. By using it, you can bridge the gap between customer expectations and customer service.

The CEM solution streamlines your customer journey and allows you to connect, deliver, and manage customer experiences across a variety of channels ranging from phone calls and in-store sales to email, social media, web and mobile apps, and all the ways customers engage with your business. CEM solutions can help you improve your customer experience by providing you with a comprehensive analysis of the pain points of your customers and how to resolve them.


Benefits of CEM Solution



1. Provide Omnichannel Customer Service

Today’s customers expect their customer experience to be consistent across multiple channels of engagement, including websites, email, social media, mobile apps, and more. If you create an omnichannel customer experience, you will gain a holistic view of the interactions your customers have with your company. Customers are more likely to stay with companies with strong omnichannel customer engagement strategies. With omnichannel strategies, your customers can communicate with your company in a way that suits them.



2. Gained More Brand Equity

In marketing terms, brand equity refers to a brand’s value in the eyes of the consumer, but it is more about how consumers feel about a brand when they think about it. Providing high-quality products and services, following through on promises, and being responsive are all ways to build positive brand equity. Negative brand equity, on the other hand, results from under-delivery, disappointing interactions, and mass declarations of avoidance. Customers who are happy to post positive reviews, share their experiences through word-of-mouth referrals, and participate in other loyalty programs are examples of companies with positive brand equity. Positive brand equity and negative reviews can be achieved with an effective customer experience management plan.



3. Higher Customer Retention

Brands with higher brand equity and a lower churn rate will also have higher customer retention rates. High customer loyalty correlates with high customer retention rates. It is important to keep a customer as a customer even if he or she only buys from a brand once every few years. The positive perception that is at the root of the overall customer experience can only be strengthened by companies that resolve issues quickly, reward loyalty, stay in touch, and most importantly, thank their customers. Keeping customers leads to increased sales and a higher lifetime value, making it easier to increase ROI after the conversion.



4. Make Your Business Customer-Centric

Being a customer-centric organization means understanding your customers and being flexible enough to meet their needs. With an effective CEM solution, you can identify your customers’ behaviors and interests quickly through in-depth data analysis, and you can align your business strategies and policies with their needs. It allows everyone to work together in a more customer-focused manner by breaking down departmental silos.



5. Increase Customer Engagement

Customers are satisfied when you give them what they want, which means they’ll stay with your brand and buy your products because they know you’re the one who provides excellent products and excellent services. You will find that when you keep your customers happy and satisfied, they will also recommend your brand to their friends. The Internet has made it easy to engage customers; you can arrange an online survey or event to inform them of your services and new product launches. Providing your customers with all the brand details makes them feel satisfied and makes them want to stick with you for a long time.


Things to Consider in CEM Solutions



1. Detailed Customer Profiles

The best CEM solution like Sekel Tech keeps detailed customer profiles that give you full visibility into your customers’ O/O journey with your company and allow you to personalize their experience. Customer profiles provide data on purchasing behavior, pain points, psychographics, and demographics to help you target similar customers.



2. Quick Response Time

It is important in today’s digitized world where everything happens at lightning speed. Companies can influence customers’ perceptions of their experience by their response time. As a result of the automated response, the department must take proactive measures to address the issue and communicate with customers. Responding quickly not only helps you get brownie points, but it can also help you assure clients that their opinions, suggestions, feedback, and complaints are valuable to your company, thereby improving their experience.



3. Integrations

Customer experience management solutions should integrate with multiple contact channels, including email, social media, phone support, live chat, and so on. Additionally, they should offer integration options with popular business tools, including those for customer relationship management (CRM), enterprise asset management (EAM), enterprise resource planning (ERP), team collaboration, and others, to extend your software, synchronize your data automatically, and minimize duplication. CEMs usually list their pre-built integration modules on their website so you can see if they integrate with your favorite products.



4. Collecting Customer Experience Data Across All Channels

Whenever, wherever, and however customers interact with you, that is where you need to be listening. If you use the right CEM solution, you can set up listening posts on your website, on social media, on owned or third-party apps, or even in physical locations to capture customer feedback. Customer feedback should be gathered through a variety of methods, including web surveys, SMS surveys, and live chats. It is important that all of these feedback channels are connected to a centralized system so that you can get a meaningful overview at any time.



5. Customer-centric Vision

The solution should have a customer-centric vision. A positive customer experience should be provided whenever customers interact with a brand. It is important to treat customers well. Developing trust with customers and meeting their needs is imperative for everyone in the company. The solution can tell when they are focused on sales and profits and when they are focused on their customers. Set the tone for your company to prioritize customers. Your employees need to be empowered to take action in meeting customer needs and figuring out how to solve problems and build relationships. Customer experience can only be successful if everyone is involved.


The Best 5 CEM Solutions



1. Sekel Tech – Best for businesses of all sizes and types.

Sekel Tech is the best CEM solution that helps businesses engage with customers across multiple channels and platforms. As an easy-to-use, rich content creation and distribution tool, it provides a modular platform to help business owners connect online-offline consumer experiences and seamlessly merge physical and digital elements. By reaching and influencing millions of consumers through a single platform, businesses can now influence consumers contextually and geographically. In addition to omnichannel retail, hyperlocal marketing, store locators, D2C quick commerce, listings, reviews, call tracking, and IVR, they offer a number of solutions. Sekel Tech provides its services to industries including business-to-business, retail, insurance, financial services, market research, etc.



Interaction Tracking, Multi-Channel Communication, Review Management, Reputation Management, Listing Management, etc.


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2. Confirmit – Best for small to enterprise businesses.

Confirmit is a CEM solution that optimizes an enterprise’s customer experience. It provides a flexible platform that makes it possible to create, deploy, manage, and analyze research programs and feedback programs with hundreds of millions of respondents. Using the comprehensive platform, market research agencies can standardize their processes and reduce their total cost of ownership by incorporating a range of data collection modes. Many products are offered by Confirmit, including Confirmit Horizons, fast track, survey design, panel management, data collection, data integration, text analytics, and action management.



Data Analysis Tools, Multi-Channel Data Collection, Review Management, Survey/Poll Management, and Reporting/Analytics.



3. Zoho – Best for businesses of all sizes and types.

Zoho is a digital CEM solution that offers several applications within its suite, including dashboards, analysis, reporting, data warehousing, and more. It’s scalable to any size and suits many different industries. It provides easy-to-deploy software to help you grow your business. That offers a wide range of features for managing customer experience. Businesses are able to communicate effectively with their customers using multiple channels, such as email, phone, social media, and websites. Additionally, the software saves valuable time and money by automating repetitive processes.



Cataloging/Categorization, Social Media Monitoring, Activity Dashboard, Survey/Poll Management, and Appointment Management.


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4. Medallia – Best for small to large businesses.

Medallia is a CEM solution that uses AI and machine learning technologies to enhance the customer, employee, and product experience by detecting user behaviors, patterns, and needs. To ensure the distribution of information and insights according to user roles and responsibilities, administrators can set up organizational hierarchies and access rights. Through Medallia’s customizable dashboard, you can capture and analyze data from multiple channels, including white-label email surveys, web intercepts, and in-app feedback.. Users can also conduct concept tests on features, services, installation, and pricing to optimize end-user engagement with products.



Sentiment Analysis, Negative Feedback Management, Activity Dashboard, CRM, and Appointment Management.


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5. Clarabridge – Best for startups, small businesses, and enterprises.

Clarabridge is a powerful CEM solution. Using social media analytics, customizable surveys, intent prediction capabilities, and more, you can make informed decisions based on the voice of the customer. CEM’s social engagement tools are integrated into Clarabridge’s CEM platform. Its analytics will ensure you are fast to respond to your customers, while also gaining valuable insight into their needs. Get feedback from any medium, and use that feedback to gain insights.



Contact Management, Customer Segmentation, Negative Feedback Management, Conversion Tracking, CRM, and Data Security.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)



1. What is Meant by Customer Experience Management?

Customer Experience Management (CEM) refers to processes and strategies companies utilize to understand customer sentiment and improve it. The ultimate goal of CEM is to increase customer retention rates.



2. How do you Effectively Manage Customer Experience?

To effectively manage customer experience, you should define your customer experience strategy, know your customers, create a seamless customer journey, train your employees, gather and analyse feedback, and continuously improve your processes.



3. What is the Goal of CEM?

The goal of Customer Experience Management (CEM) is to enhance the overall experience of customers when interacting with a company, in order to increase customer satisfaction and loyalty. The ultimate goal is to create a positive and lasting impression with customers, which can lead to increased sales, brand loyalty, and advocacy.



4. What is the Difference Between CRM and CEM?


CEMs track customer views in contrast to CRMs, which track company views about customers. While CRMs focus on the sales funnel, CEMs focus on the touchpoints. From start to finish, your brand's customer touchpoints represent your brand's points of contact with its customers.



5. What are the Key Areas of Customer Experience Management?

The key areas of Customer Experience Management (CEM) include:

- Understanding the customer journey and identifying pain points

- Gathering and analysing customer feedback

- Implementing changes to improve the overall experience

- Measuring and monitoring the effectiveness of CEM efforts

- Managing and training employees to deliver a positive customer experience

- Continuously gathering customer insights and feedback to improve CEM strategies





We have seen in this article that a CEM solution collects customer data, extracts insights, and gives you a comprehensive picture of your customers. A customer experience management solution allows companies to better understand their customers and their needs. A customer experience management solution gathers data for the customer and from the customer. Using the collected data, companies can determine what their customers want and how they can provide it. Choosing the right CEM solution for your business can help you bridge the gap between customer expectations and customer service.


Take Advantage of Sekel Tech’s CEM Solutions



Every interaction between you and your customers creates a perception of your company in their minds. The creation of a positive customer experience has become increasingly important due to a number of factors, including customer loyalty, customer retention, reduced churn, etc.

Customer experience must be the top priority in order to build a long-term sustainable business. Sekel Tech’s CEM solution assists companies in developing a long-term customer experience strategy. In a world filled with competition, one way to differentiate yourself from others is through customer experience. Sekel Tech’s customer experience management solution allows companies to understand their customer’s needs and provide real-time insights with intuitive dashboards.

Using our digital CEM solution, you can communicate with your customers across all channels and comprehensively capture their impression of your brand. If you understand your customers’ needs and use real-time data to take timely actions and make informed decisions, you can actually build deep, meaningful relationships with them.


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