
Hyperlocal Marketing

How Hyperlocal Marketing Platform Benefits Your Brands

Tue, 15 Nov 2022 12:10:32 GMT


A Hyperlocal Marketing Platform is a tool that enables businesses to target and engage with customers in specific geographic locations through personalised marketing messages based on location-based data and analytics.

Hyperlocal marketing platforms have become essential tools for brands to reach potential customers. With just a click of a button, marketers can target customers in their local area. However, businesses still need to dedicate time and effort to this area by identifying their target market, setting goals, and choosing the most suitable form of marketing to achieve their objectives.


What is Hyperlocal Marketing




Hyperlocal marketing is a marketing strategy that focuses on delivering local advertising to specific markets or geographical regions. The hyperlocal approach can be used to promote merchandise and services, as well as the company’s brands.

The goal of hyperlocal marketing in India is to connect customers with brands they care about in their local area. It allows businesses to customise their messaging and create campaigns tailored to their customers' needs and interests. Brands use hyperlocal marketing platforms to create more personalised campaigns for their customers.

There are three ways in which hyperlocal can be achieved:

- Using a mapping tool that divides the targeted area into zones and displays the demographic composition of each zone;

- Using GPS technology that allows marketers to target specific zones with localised content;

- Building on existing customer data to understand where they live, what they buy, and where they are most likely to visit.


How does Hyperlocal Marketing Help Businesses Grow and Drive Leads



Hyperlocal Marketing is the practice of marketing products and services to customers in their proximity. Given that many consumers are now researching products and services before they buy them, marketers need to provide information that is customised to their location.

Hyperlocal marketing aims to increase foot traffic to your business. This is accomplished by strategically placing the right ads at the right time in front of the right people. It could also serve the purpose of raising brand awareness in your specific area.

Businesses can take advantage of Hyperlocal Marketing in India and promote their products and services with a more personalised approach. They can use this marketing strategy to find out more about the needs and preferences of the customer.

Companies can also benefit from this strategy because they can tailor their message to attract new customers cost-effectively.


Top 5 Reasons to Use Hyperlocal Marketing



Hyperlocal marketing is a type of marketing that focuses on the specific needs of customers in a given area. It can be used for both online and offline businesses.



1. Hyperlocal marketing can help you to reach new customers who are in your area.



2. If your business is based on service, hyperlocal marketing can help you to find people who need your service and then connect with them.



3. Hyperlocal marketing allows you to create a more personalised experience for customers by catering to their needs and preferences.



4. Hyperlocal marketers may have an easier time finding potential customers because they already know where they are located.



5. You can take advantage of hyperlocal advertising platforms which allow you to target ads or content specifically to people in your geographical area.


Hyperlocal Marketing Investments: Pros & Cons





1. Increase Brand Awareness

By targeting consumers in a specific geographic area, you can increase your business's brand awareness and name recognition. Branding on local shops, IT parks, RWA branding, etc. have the same impact as online marketing. Hyperlocal marketing often includes branding in nearby malls.



2. Cost-effective

Hyperlocal marketing is a very cost-effective way to reach potential customers, as it doesn’t require a lot of upfront investment.



3. Targeted

Hyperlocal marketing allows you to be very targeted in your advertising, reaching only those who are most likely to be interested in your products or services.



4. May Bring in More Customers

Despite the fact that hyperlocal marketing may not bring in as many customers as other types of advertising, it can still be an effective way to reach potential customers who are interested in what you have to offer.



5. ROI

While it can be difficult to measure the ROI of hyperlocal marketing, if done correctly it can be a very effective way to bring in new customers and grow your business.





1. Business longevity

It is clear that hyperlocal marketing cannot be sustained in the long run. This strategy is effective, but only for generating instant customer responses. Short-term gimmicks are often forgotten by people, which seriously jeopardises brand sustainability. As a result, hyperlocal marketing does not guarantee long-term brand loyalty.



2. Limited Reach

One of the biggest disadvantages of hyperlocal marketing is its limited reach. When you only market to people within a certain radius of your business, you’re excluding a lot of potential customers who may live outside that area but are willing to travel to your business.



3. Requires Constant Maintenance

Another disadvantage of hyperlocal marketing is that it requires constant maintenance. You can’t set up your hyperlocal campaign and then forget about it – you need to be constantly monitoring and adjusting it based on changes in your target location, demographics, etc. Otherwise, you risk losing touch with your target audience and missing out on potential customers.



4. Difficulty Measuring ROI

Another con of hyperlocal marketing is that it can be difficult for businesses to measure their return on investment (ROI). This is because this type of marketing relies heavily on word-of-mouth advertising, which makes it difficult to track leads directly back to the campaign itself.



5. Time Consuming

One of the biggest cons of hyperlocal marketing is that it can be time-consuming to implement. If you don’t have someone on your team dedicated to managing your hyperlocal marketing efforts, it can be difficult to keep up with the level of customization required.


Examples of Brands Using Hyperlocal Marketing



1. BBlunt

Here is an example of an awesome Google My Business page. Google My Business pages help people find local businesses near them when they turn to Google first. When I searched for “Bblunt near me”, this is what I found:


This example is awesome, so let’s talk about why. First, the company’s address, menu, contact information, and website are listed. All of the links on the website and menu work, making this listing accessible and understandable. In addition, there are plenty of photos, taken by customers and business owners, to establish the salon’s vibe. You can also look at the rating and the number of reviews: I could peruse almost 280 reviews if the 4.4 stars weren’t enough to convince me. Because BBlunt’s page is properly optimised for hyperlocal marketing, they excelled at hyperlocal marketing India here.



2. Spotify

In 2017, Spotify’s New Year campaign received widespread praise. To create its forward-looking “2018 Goals” campaign, this popular music streaming service analysed data. Billboards and paid social media ads appeared in nine markets. Here are a few of them:

- Goals for 2018 – Be as loving as the person who put 48 Ed Sheeran on their ‘I Love Gingers’ playlist 

- The goal for 2018 is to eat vegan brisket with the person who made the playlist ‘Leftist Elitist Snowflake BBQ’.

- The goal for 2018 is to be as savage as the playlist “Lasting Longer than the Mooch”.
- This campaign, with its interesting tidbits, is social media-friendly, inclusive, and fact-based, which is exactly what social media loves.



3. H&M Amsterdam

The H&M company has recently introduced a new store formula to respond to the “new shopping environment” and to the local preferences of customers. A new formula has been implemented by H&M Amsterdam for the first time. To develop the new formula, H&M conducted extensive research on the local preferences of H&M shoppers in Amsterdam. It has been expressed that they would like to have an H&M where clothes can be recycled, repaired, rented out, and sold. Furthermore, Amsterdammers would like to see more local brands in the store. This has been complied with by H&M Amsterdam.

The hyperlocal marketing campaign has been rolled out by H&M based on their new store formula. Locally, the campaign has been rolled out extensively, including digital out-of-home and paid social advertising. H&M Amsterdam is also the first H&M store to have its own Instagram account. This new store formula will also be rolled out in other European cities. Consequently, the local consumer’s wishes are again considered.



4. Bridgestone

Sekel Tech’s Store location system used by Bridgestone is also integrated with comprehensive information about each store. Customers will be able to view both comprehensive information about each store and the store location system independently. The store detail pages include all the information, as well as a map. Information about the store, including hours, date, store location, store directions, Store Address, etc.




Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)



1. What is a Hyperlocal Marketing Strategy?

Hyperlocal marketing strategy focuses on targeting customers within a specific geographic area to deliver personalised and relevant content and promotions.



2. How does Hyperlocal Business Work?

Hyperlocal businesses serve a specific local area by offering products and services that cater to the needs and preferences of that community.



3. What is Hyperlocal e-Commerce?

Hyperlocal e-commerce involves the sale of products or services within a specific geographical area through online platforms that target local customers.



4. What is the Difference Between Local SEO and Hyperlocal SEO?

Local SEO focuses on optimising a website for broader geographic keywords, while hyperlocal SEO targets specific local search terms to attract customers in a specific area.



5. How Do You Do Local Online Marketing?

To do local online marketing, businesses should create a Google My Business listing, optimise their website for local search terms, and use social media platforms to engage with local customers and share relevant content and promotions.





This article concludes that hyperlocal marketing is the future because it touches on all aspects of marketing – branding, promotion, and sales. In general, marketers are trying to promote their brands in a way that will resonate with the audience. As such, hyperlocal marketing in India has been seen as targeting specific brands to people in their surrounding area or near them geographically. Companies can create a more comprehensive relationship with their customers by tailoring their messages and campaigns for consumers in your area.

Exploring hyperlocal solutions within the dynamic landscape of hyperlocal marketing platforms unveils tailored strategies for localized engagement. These solutions empower businesses to connect intimately with their immediate communities, leveraging granular insights to drive impactful campaigns. By harnessing the power of hyperlocal data and technologies, businesses can cultivate meaningful relationships and drive tangible results at the neighborhood level.

Take Advantage Of Sekel Tech’s Hyperlocal Marketing Platform



Sekel Tech is a hyperlocal marketing platform that allows businesses to advertise their services and products to customers within a certain proximity. It’s an intelligent marketing platform built on proprietary technology to reach the precise audience in their desired location. With Sekel Tech’s hyperlocal marketing platform, users can target specific areas, cities, or even neighbourhoods. The platform has been tested and proven to provide a better user experience, higher conversion rates, greater return on investment levels, and more customer loyalty as well as repeat customers. It is one of the best hyperlocal marketing tools on the market, with its intelligent location-based targeting technology and geo-fencing capabilities.


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