

Three BIG Challenges we are solving

Fri, 25 Aug 2023 11:31:48 GMT


How to Know Your Customer




The first biggest challenge for all these retailers /multi brand outlets are getting new customers. COVID-19 has accelerated digital consumption habits so much that brands, retailers are witnessing significant disruptions. They now have to cope with the decade’s worth of change happening in a few short months. As a result, retailers are compelled to create agile and responsive marketing and sales support enough to capture short-term opportunities while building long-term business resilience. But how? Digital advertising is unsustainable and organic digital assets are not delivering when fighting against aggregators and digital disruptors deeply funded customers acquiring techniques. First party data is key in bringing the customer acquisition cost down. Can you confidently say that you know your customers. Can you?


Allow us to help you understand and Know your customers

- Who are they, do you know their Telephone number, Name, Email Id, (enriched fresh data) Personas Intelligence

- Where are they coming from to your stores (local intelligence)

- What brings them back to your store again and again (Product & Service Intelligence)

- Why Did they choose you over your competition – NPA , customer satisfaction Indicator

- When did they walk into the store, how much time did they spend in the store, what did they finally buy from the store – Business ROI Intelligence Let’s face it Digital advertising is given, and there is no escaping this fact. Still, we believe you can become a more innovative and more effective marketer if you have a better persona targeting ability.


How to Engage With Your Customers



The changing trends indicate a drastic shift in the way searcher are discovering products and services .Welcome to Sekel Tech’s Dynamic Engagement Commerce , the name itself the platforms ability to engage with customers at scale locally These customers are looking for a quick business response. They want more detailed online Information for products and services before making a purchase decision. They want a responsive and dynamic engagement with the business at the last mile for them to be in complete control of the purchasing process . As consumer experience change in one industry they tend to carry similar expectations in other industries too. These customers are exposed to getting all the informations and responsive ability to engage and conduct commerce in one category or platform and now expect the same the same from leading brands.As demand fluctuates, retailers and shop owners are under pressure to adapt to this changing needs of their customers.

The best approach to tackle this unpredictability is to design a digital Native system that pays for itself. You as a brand has the ability to grow organically. Yes, by delivering relevant and contextual content and Information to searchers, in return they share their latest customers first Party data. We believe this is the shortest route to reclaim the lost time and bring digital transformation on track. Welcome to Sekel’s native cloud-based data gathering, analysing, and delivering actionable insights.ability to help you grow your brand and retailers exponentially Yes, an Ai-powered dashboard that allows role-based access to take business outcome actions in real-time. We call it Dynamic engagement with your customers and various stakeholders on a single dashboard.

- Cloud Telephony for every Outlet for customers to discover your local stores and engage with them meaningfully.

- Voice to Text and Text to voice content conversions to help build user-generated content to make local intelligence and inventory updates

- Sentiment analysis with local intelligence for learning and improvement

- Dynamic Ai powered near human-like business engagement at scale

- Lock screen notifications

- Voice recording and AI-powered analysis

- Ticketing management and call centre ready dashboard with inbuilt prompt response-ability to have a structured branded quality response.


How to Grow Your Customers


While all the other CRM is based and designed to help you increase sales through your current customers Sekel ‘Ai powered CRM is designed to attract and grow new customers natively. We like to explain it straightforwardly; All the other CRM helps you increase efficiency in milking the same cow to boost the output. While we do that, our focus is on getting more new cows to be milked daily, thus resulting in exponentially bettering work.

Sekel’s Discovery product allows you to get discovered organically across all your stores for branded and generic category searches by building domain authority in that locality. In addition, our Ai powered Product catalogue and Smart store locator integrated to store level microsite helps you automatically update product inventory level informations across all your stores and allows you to target specific audiences by geofencing offers and deals.

- Smart store locator

- Smart Product catalogue

- Shop hop

- Buy online and collect at the store

- Store to door

- Reserve and pick up

- Ai powered Schemas generator

- Seamless Integration

- Reviews and Ratings across product, services, store staff and store itself

- AI-powered product and Service NPS surveys

- Store and SKU level QR Codes for engagement and tracking




It is like having an intelligent Ai-powered content generator with an inbuilt brain at every store level to build customised offers and deals for every customer who discovers the content through search or who has ever engaged with the store on a call.

- Customer login and check out

- Secured Auth2 payment gateway

- Contactless Payment and delivery

- Cross-platform retargeting

- Customer lifetime value calculators

- Warranty and guarantees management

- Co-branding promotions and offers

- Location-based targeting landing pages

- Contextual based targeting landing pages

- Personalised landing pages

They feel the brands are responsible for their dwindling sales and walking. They think this because they say these brands give better deals and prices to these digital disruptors, which is passed on to their customers online. At the same time, they, as retailers, are forced to buy at higher prices from the intermediaries ( read dealers and distributors ) . These frictions and cost is pushing their long-trusted retailers away from these company’s appointed intermediaries and move towards digital disruptors for they can match the online price and deliver the exact products quickly to their customers


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