
Customer Experience Management

Top 10 Cloud Customer Experience Management Tools in 2025

Fri, 16 Sep 2022 09:30:00 GMT

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Editor’s Note: This post was originally published in Sept 2022 and was updated in Jan 2025 for accuracy and comprehensiveness.

Customer experience management tools used by brands track, analyse, and improve customer interactions across channels. From feedback surveys to journey mapping, these tools provide insights to enhance customer satisfaction and loyalty, leading to better retention and revenue growth.

Customer experience management is an effective way to manage interactions with customers using touchpoints. Businesses ensure their customers achieve success with CEM tools. It helps to enhance brand loyalty, which in turn leads to increased revenue.

To boost your business growth, you need to invest in a customer experience management tool. Choosing the right CEM tool can be challenging since there are so many out there. You’ll gain real-time insights into customer engagement, unlock real growth opportunities, and better understand your customers with real-time insights. However, the rewards can be immense as well.

In this article, we describe a list of the most popular cloud customer experience management tools for managing your interactions with customers.


What is a Customer Experience Management Tool




Customer Experience Management Tool is a technology that helps you manage your organization’s interactions with customers, both current and prospective. Your customer experience management system keeps track of your interactions across all your customer touchpoints, organizing, automating, and synchronizing them so that you can respond to issues and new business quickly for all your existing customers.

Additionally, it should allow you to take direct action based on what your customer experience data is telling you. It could be a notification system that alerts the appropriate people of any problems or questions or a way to close the loop with customers by contacting them directly, wherever they have provided feedback.


Benefits of Customer Experience Management




An effective customer experience management strategy revolves around the concept of ‘customer is king’, a concept that has often been forgotten by companies in favor of sales goals, revenue, and other related metrics. A brand can develop a strong emotional connection with its customers if it ignores that focus. The following benefits can be obtained through customer experience management:


1. Increased Brand Equity

Keeping top brand equity in consumers’ eyes is vital. This term describes the value of your brand to consumers. When it delivers products, messages, and services quickly to customers, it works on their emotions. When customers like a brand, they want to give it positive feedback, recommend it to others, and take part in loyalty programs. By engaging your customers in such a way that your competitors cannot take them away, CEM helps you build positive brand equity. Through cloud customer experience management, your brand can build positive brand equity by emphasizing your customers’ expectations. Sekel Tech allows brands to work closely with their customers’ interests so that they feel that they receive the best services. 



2. Increase Consumer Engagement

If you provide your customers with what they want, they will be satisfied, which means they will return to your brand and like your products, as they know that you provide high-quality products along with excellent service. Customer experience management tools allow you to post updates about your brand that gets them coming back to it, like it, and showing interest. By posting and reposting updates, you can ensure that your customers remember your brand. The benefits of keeping your happy and satisfied customers engaged include that they will also influence their friends to like your brand. To inform customers about new products and services, you can arrange an online survey or event; this makes it easier for you to engage them with the Internet. Your customers will stay loyal to your brand if you share all the details with them.



3. Omnichannel Approach

Customers today don’t want to be limited to one or two channels when it comes to communicating with your brand. Omnichannel customer service gives them a unified experience across all channels they use to engage with your brand. In order for your customers to interact with you through a means convenient to them, you need to be available everywhere your customers are. Cloud customer experience management lets you see and deliver a well-rounded customer experience. As digital transformation plays such a major part in modern business, 360-degree vision is essential to success, and omnichannel strategies are crucial as well.



4. Real-Time Responses

Customer feedback is traditionally collected by making an effort on the part of the customer. Engaging with customers in real-time allows you to collect feedback effortlessly. You will get more customer feedback, even from those who are not usually willing to give it. There is nothing more annoying to customers than a slow response to their complaints. With CEM, you can resolve issues in real-time and turn around customer experiences. Customers prefer to have issues or inquiries resolved as quickly as possible rather than waiting for a solution.



5. Solution-Finding

A good CEM helps you identify any pain points customers encounter. It helps you identify any issues in your ecosystem that are causing problems for your customers, so you can fix them. The system also allows you to directly assist customers with any other issues they may be experiencing and to deal with inquiries efficiently. Furthermore, marketers can also craft campaigns and messaging around those identified pain points.

Enhance your understanding with this informative video - "Discover the Benefits of Customer Experience Management Platform".




Use 5 CEM Strategies For your Business




The concept of cloud customer experience management describes a set of strategies that help brands nurture their relationships with customers. In customer experience management, a company manages interactions between customers and an organization throughout the customer lifecycle by tracking, overseeing, and organizing them. It leverages the customer’s perspective to provide insights into how the customer can be better served. Here are 5 great customer experience strategies that will help you increase customer satisfaction, reduce churn, and increase revenues.


1. Know Your Consumers

Get to know your customers better so you can get more leads and more business. Good service results in strong customer relationships and new sales through positive word-of-mouth recommendations when you understand your customers. Knowing your customers will help you create interactions that make them happy. Segmenting them can help you get to know them better. Segmentation can include everything from age groups to physical locations to how they interact with you. Long-term, segmentation can help your staff better understand customer needs.



2. Improve Customer Experience with Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is redefining the customer experience landscape. Using artificial intelligence to understand and influence customer behavior has become increasingly useful. Researchers found that targeting messaging to people with specific personality types increased click-through and conversion rates. When you combine Big Data (driven by AI) with behavioral psychology, you can better predict how your marketing messages will be received by your customers. By analyzing your customers’ behavior and psychological profiles, you can identify and segment them.



3. Establish a Clear Vision for Customer Experience

A good CX strategy creates meaningful experiences that can improve customer loyalty. Forming a successful customer experience strategy starts by setting company-wide, customer-focused visions to match business outcomes to customer expectations. Aspirational statements about how your organization wishes to serve its customers are referred to as customer experience visions. When making company decisions that affect customers, your employees should be able to look to this standard as a benchmark. Defining this vision in a set of statements can help. A clear vision statement can integrate your company’s values and act as guidelines, both in the way your staff works and in the way any training is conducted.



4. Maintain and Develop Connections with Customers

Good customer experiences are often rooted in emotional connections. Your customers will be happier and more loyal to your brand if you understand and empathize with them. Your brand’s emotional connection will invite your customers to recommend your business and they are three times more likely to repurchase from you. Good customer relationships can lead customers to stay with your company for a long time and spend more money in the long run. Developing strong relationships with your customers is one way to increase the lifetime value of each one, so you get the best return on your investment.



5. Provide Constant Customer Service

Trust is more important to customers when doing business with a company. For a company to build trust, processes, policies, and actions must be consistent throughout every department and every team member. Make sure your policies are in-date, reasonable, and applied consistently across all scenarios and buyer personas to cultivate this culture of trust with your customers. Having friction with customers over something like a return or exchange can make it difficult for them to purchase in the future.


Top 10 Cloud Customer Experience Management Tools



The need for customer experience management cloud has become increasingly crucial for any SaaS company. This is why there are so many CEM platforms available today. Here are the top 10 customer experience management tools to consider:


#1 Customer Experience Management Tool - Sekel Tech

In an all-in-one platform, Sekel Tech combines experiences, media, communications, messaging, and data for the management of customer experience. It provides business owners with easy-to-use, rich content generation and distribution tools, via a single software-as-a-service (SaaS) platform, to help bridge the online-offline consumer experience and integrate the physical and digital worlds seamlessly. In order to maximize revenue, improve operations and create lifelong customers, Sekel Tech helps organizations seamlessly personalize experiences and communications, deliver relevant engagement and optimize the customer journey. This is how Sekel Tech implements customer experience management cloud in its CEM strategies.


Best for:

Reviews Management, Reduce Customer Churn / Drop-off, Performance Metrics, Reporting/Analytics, Capture 1st Party Customer Data, Increase Store Walk-ins & Calls, and Calls Management Dashboard, etc.


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#2 Customer Experience Management Tool - ResponseTek

ResponseTek is a customer experience management cloud solution that provides insights into the customer as well as the support agent’s side of a conversation. A contact center environment can benefit from this in a number of ways, including training and improving the skills of your agents and flagging negative interactions. You can also use this to support your agents after challenging interactions, along with identifying training opportunities for them.


Best for:

Automated interaction flagging, Voice and text analysis, Support agent training, and Feedback.


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#3 Customer Experience Management Tool - Qualaroo

Qualaroo is a feedback management tool that collects customer experience insights through targeted, in-context surveys. Having your audience survey you at the appropriate time, such as after a purchase or after interacting with support, can help you gauge a customer’s overall or transactional experience. It offers a unique method of gathering feedback in addition to a powerful AI analysis of responses.


Best for:

Real-time behavioral insights, Customer sentiment, Surveying, and Feedback.


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#4 Customer Experience Management Tool - Satmetrix

Satmetrix is the CEM tool for reporting and analytics. Satmetrix collects data from various platforms via contact centers, call centers, and ongoing conversations with customers. By analyzing these insights, the software creates reports about a company’s customer personas, behaviors, customer journey mapping, customer experiences, and buying decision journeys.


Best for:

Automated workflows, Voice and text analytics, and Trend recognition.


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#5 Customer Experience Management Tool - Oracle Service Cloud

Oracle Service Cloud is an important part of Oracle’s best-in-class, connected CX cloud suite. This helpdesk platform is powered by AI-powered automation and prediction, and it uses these to reduce the amount of unskilled work that support agents must do while using machine learning to deliver highly personalized service.


Best for:

Customer service automation, Workflow Management, and AI-driven experience personalization.


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#6 Customer Experience Management Tool - UserZoom

UserZoom is best for integrating customer experience management cloud with product development workflow. UserZoom’s customer experience strategy involves synchronizing customer experience with product development workflows, such as product managers, UI designers, and UX researchers. By collecting data from all customer touchpoints, it is easier to understand how the current design impacts the customer experience.


Best for:

Surveys & Feedback, Usability testing, and Collaboration Tools.


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#7 Customer Experience Management Tool - ProProfs Help Desk

ProProfs Help Desk is a popular online help desk application based on the leading cloud technology. Providing quick customer support is easy with the ProProfs Help Desk. In addition to providing a shared inbox, it also allows you to manage tickets from different departments, including billing, support, and sales, all in one place. Customers can also find the information they need in a full-featured knowledge base with FAQs, help tips, and guides.


Best for:

Knowledge Base Management, Multi-Channel Communication, Real-Time Chat, and Alerts/Notifications.


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#8 Customer Experience Management Tool - ContentSquare

Contentsquare’s Digital Experience Analytics Cloud is a feature-rich, enterprise-class platform that uncovers hidden customer behaviors and delivers better experiences. As a result, designers and developers are able to gain insights in a way that they can understand by analyzing customer journeys and visualizing the results of their analysis. For understanding where to prioritize, the zone-based heat maps of how many clicks and conversions part of a page earns are a standout feature.


Best for:

Behavioral Analytics, Activity Dashboard, Conversion Tracking, and Engagement Tracking.


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#9 Customer Experience Management Tool - RingCentral

RingCentral is a cloud-based system for business communications, including voice, fax, text, online meetings, conferencing, and collaboration features. The platform allows you to connect your mobile and remote employees, regardless of location, under one phone system. With RingCentral MVP, you purchase, activate, set up, and manage your phone system online, which means we manage it and you use it.


Best for:

Automated Attendant, Call Monitoring, and Access Controls/Permissions.


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#10 Customer Experience Management Tool - GetFeedback

The GetFeedback for Salesforce platform allows you to automatically collect customer feedback at key customer touch points. Measure customer metrics like NPS, CSAT, or CES through your surveys, then push feedback into Salesforce to take intelligent action to improve your customer experience. Compared to other CX survey platforms, GetFeedback customers see 240% higher response rates.


Best for:

Campaign Management, Customizable Forms, CSAT Survey Structure, and Activity Tracking.


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Gain more insights with this short and informative video about "How to Effectively Implement and Utilize Customer Experience Management Tools in Your Business".




How to Choose the Right CEM Tool




CEM is a vital tool for any business, with the potential to transform every aspect of your operation. The following are some key points to consider:


1. Convenient Dashboard for Your Needs

You can view customer feedback and CX data in dashboards using the customer experience management tool. With either or both of these available, you get a single view of what’s going on, whether it’s your NPS score or a real-time view of customer feedback trends. Advanced systems offer customized, role-based dashboards. To control who sees what data is helpful in an organization because not everyone needs the same customer information. It’s important to customize which data is available to people in different roles so they know what matters most to them.



2. Omnichannel Customer Experience

Having the right tool will allow you to generate customer feedback in all the right places, such as on your website, social media, apps you own, third-party apps, and in person. A variety of methods should be available for gathering customer feedback, including web surveys, SMS campaigns, and interactive voice response machines. Whenever you need an overview, all these feedback channels should connect to the same centralized system. From social media to live chat, from customer support to reviews, you want to understand how your customers engage with you.



3. Comprehensive Data Collection

The CEM tool should be capable of monitoring and analyzing all of the metrics as you require. With a customer experience management tool, all your customer information is stored in one place, with real-time updates you can share easily within your company. It is important to be able to track your interactions with customers from their behavior (such as purchase or contact) to how it made them feel (customer feedback), leading you to reveal where you did well, and where you may have missed the mark. In addition, it gives you a macro-level view of your business, offering you patterns and trends across a large number of customers.



4. Effective Tool for Meeting Customer Expectations

Ultimately, a customer experience management tool should help you deliver on what its name implies: manage the customer experience. This may seem obvious, but please remember our goal: to streamline a customer’s journey in ways that existing technology simply was not able to provide, and in ways that customers did not expect. As you use the customer experience management tool to its full potential, you will gain a deeper understanding of customers.



5. Data-driven Action

Data is one thing, but what you do with it is something else altogether. If your omnichannel platform could not only turn data into insights but also automate actions based on them, what would be the benefit? Successful organizations go beyond simply collecting and analyzing customer feedback and using it to drive action. Using a Customer experience management tool, businesses can engage customers directly from within the system, so that they do not have to leave the system.

Discover valuable insights about "Customer Experience Management" with this enlightening article from the Times of India, offering a wealth of information to expand your understanding.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)




1. What is CX Cloud Based on?

CX Cloud is a cloud-based customer experience platform, designed to help businesses better understand and manage their customer relationships. It is based on the principle of providing customers with an integrated, personalized, and seamless experience across different channels.



2. How does the Cloud Improve Customer Experience?

It is based on its ability to provide businesses with more reliable and cost-effective access to data. By being able to store and access large amounts of data, businesses can more easily access relevant customer information, which can help them provide better and more personalized customer experiences.



3. Why is the CX Cloud so Important for Customers?

The CX Cloud is important for customers because it enables businesses to provide better, more personalized experiences. By having access to more and better customer data, businesses can tailor their products and services to individual customers and provide them with a more personalized and engaging experience.



4. What is the Role of Cloud Computing in the Customer Experience Journey?

The role of cloud computing in the customer experience journey is to provide businesses with the necessary tools and infrastructure to better understand and manage their customer relationships.



5. What are the 5 Layers of Cloud Computing?

The 5 layers of cloud computing are Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), Software as a Service (SaaS), Serverless Computing, and Database as a Service (DBaaS).





Overall, there are several major players that could lead to huge CX wins, and each tool has its own advantages and disadvantages. CEM is an integral component of customer success, and now that you know what it is and what the top 10 customer experience management tools are, you can focus more on it. Your customers will remain loyal if they are happy. You will receive greater revenues and achieve greater success with your products when they are loyal.


Take Advantage of Sekel Tech’s Customer Experience Management Tool



Sekel Tech’s cloud customer experience management tool is ideal for companies of all sizes and is scalable so that it can adapt as your needs change. This platform integrates seamlessly with existing systems and offers seamless communication whether inbound, outbound or over digital channels. Today, so many business transactions take place via email, social media, etc.

Tools that Sekel Tech provides make it easy to connect on channels your customers prefer. Regardless of how your customers interact, let them feel like they are always talking directly to you.

Sekel Tech is an ideal tool for improving customer experiences and journeys as businesses realize the need for a more customer-centric approach. Customer satisfaction has always been a priority at Sekel Tech. Our goal is to enable businesses to communicate effectively with their customers. The key to providing great customer service is great communication.



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