
Customer Experience Management

Top 20 Customer Experience Management SaaS Companies

Tue, 06 Sep 2022 12:32:26 GMT


Customer experience management SaaS company is a technology solution that helps businesses manage, measure, and improve their customers’ digital experiences. Customer experience is the top priority for almost 50% of businesses in the next five years.

The customer experience you provide has a huge impact on whether your customers stick with your service or move to your competitor. Customer service interactions, personalization, and optimization of user journeys are all included in such a customer experience. In order to achieve this, businesses need a robust system that monitors and improves the customer’s journey. This is where customer experience management companies come in.

In this article, we’ll see what customer experience management is, and what benefits CEM software as a service companies are. Following that, we’ll look at the top 20 customer experience management cem SaaS companies that can help you achieve your goals.


What is Customer Experience Management



Customer experience management cem is the process of understanding customers and developing strategies that enable cross-functional efforts for improving loyalty, satisfaction, and advocacy. It describes how a company takes control of its interactions with customers. It is the concept of examining and improving those interactions entirely from the customer’s perspective, and true CEM encompasses the entire customer journey.

By providing a completely personalised experience to customers, CEM leads to a better understanding of them. It requires analytics and insights from multiple touchpoints and channels to provide that level of personalization. In order to sort out what is relevant from what is insignificant, there is a wealth of data to be sifted through. Customer experience management companies do most of the work for you.


Benefits of Customer Experience Management Companies



With CEM, sales and marketing have improved and profitability has increased. Running a brand requires you to follow some rules and strategies that can help you connect with your target audience and your existing customers. Don’t miss the benefits of customer experience management company Sekel Tech, which helps you reach the appropriate audiences and makes it possible to keep in touch with customers to make them feel valued. However, Sekel Tech offers the following benefits, making it popular.


1. High Customer Satisfaction

The term customer satisfaction refers to a customer who is satisfied with the brand and service you offer. According to research, brands that consistently provide satisfying products and services to their consumers can easily gain their loyalty. Having an idea that customers can easily leave your brand would help because it won’t cost them anything when they leave. They could go to another brand of your competitors, but satisfied customers will always stick around. 



2. Gained Greater Brand Equity

It is important to maintain top brand equity among customers. It describes the value of your brand to your customers. By giving customers high-quality products and delivering messages, products, and services quickly, it plays on their emotions. By working closely with the customer's interests, Sekel Tech helps brands make them feel like their digital CEM services are the best. With Sekel Tech, your brand equity is enhanced by focusing on your customers' expectations.



3. Provide Omnichannel Customer Experiences

In today’s world, customers engage with companies through multiple channels including websites, email, social media, mobile apps, and phone calls, and they expect the same level of service across all channels. Sekel Tech provides brands with a holistic view of each individual customer through its omnichannel customer experience.



4. Provide Relevant Customer Experiences using AI and Analytics

With Artificial Intelligence (AI) and analytics, you can sort through and analyse large amounts of data quickly. To create and deliver a personalised customer experience, you are able to quickly identify customer preferences and sentiments. In addition, organisations are able to automatically answer customer queries in real time thanks to the emergence of chatbots for customer service. By using AI, chatbots are able to learn without human intervention, improving the customer experience over time.



5. Better Customer Engagement

It is easier for consumers to trust businesses they already know, and customer engagement encourages more interaction and mutually beneficial relationships. Through email and social media, companies are reaching out to their existing customers with value-added propositions and getting feedback from them. Companies are able to provide better products and services because of these real-time interactions, which create an atmosphere where consumers are willing to share their needs with them.


Top 20 Customer Experience Management Companies



1. Sekel Tech

Sekel Tech is a customer experience management company that helps organisations improve their customer experience. With its software-as-a-service (SaaS) platform, it provides a modular suite of easy-to-use, rich content generation and distribution tools to help business owners connect online-offline consumer experiences and to merge physical and digital elements seamlessly. Through the ability to reach and influence millions of consumers via a single platform, businesses now have the power to influence consumers with content contextually and geographically appropriately.  Their solutions include omnichannel retail, hyperlocal marketing, store locator, D2C quick commerce, listings, reviews, call tracking, and IVR.



2. Qualaroo

Qualaroo is a customer experience management company which provides businesses with customer insight with targeted website surveys. It offers an innovative method of gathering feedback combined with powerful AI analysis of responses. It analyzes sentiments and emotional responses and automates responses based on that feedback, such as opening a live support ticket for a frustrated customer.



3. HubSpot

HubSpot is an inbound marketing software company. As a leader in inbound marketing, sales, and customer service software, HubSpot’s enterprise edition lets you track the actions your customers take on the website. With Hubspot for enterprises, advanced reports are available that can be shared and analysed by team members and stakeholders. This allows you to personalise the customer’s experience based on their interactions.



4. Clarabridge

Clarabridge is a customer experience management solution that helps hundreds of the world’s leading brands understand and improve their customer experience. To save time, it offers templates for different industries or touchpoints to simplify configuration. Real-time email alerts are sent to stakeholders when data suggest something unusual is happening. It offers customer experience SaaS using AI-powered text and speech analytics.



5. IBM Tealeaf

Tealeaf was one of the customer experience management companies that provided analytics software for web and mobile applications. By filtering based on device parameters, HTTP, or observed events, Tealeaf allows you to retrieve a specific mobile session. One of Tealeaf’s greatest assets is its ability to customise metrics. Even though it’s great for monitoring, it won’t be able to replace your digital analytics data.



6. Zendesk

Zendesk is a customer experience management saas company that provides products for customer support, sales, and other communication with customers. Zendesk allows you to create a self-help centre and provide a ticketing system for your customers. Its multiple integrations, customization options, and reporting make it a favourite among industry professionals. In particular, for enterprise businesses, Zendesk offers an uptime guarantee, meaning they will compensate the client if their website is down.



7. SAS

SAS is the leading independent provider of business intelligence software and digital CEM services. For digital marketers who want to improve conversion and customer experience at the same time, SAS Adaptive Customer Experience is a very useful tool. Unlike Google Analytics, SAS offers more advanced web analytics. Apart from analytics, SAS allows marketers to take action in real-time by suggesting the best offers for customers based on enterprise business logic.



8. Medallia

Medallia is an employee and customer experience management company that helps businesses improve customer experiences. Data collection, benchmarking, customer recovery, and data integration are among the features of Medallia’s cloud-based CX platform. Through its interactive analytics, Text analytics, and Push Reporting features, it provides detailed insights in real-time.



9. Satmetrix

Satmetrix is a customer experience management saas company that offers surveys with advanced capabilities, including segmentation based on location, industry or product. In addition, it offers enterprise clients a private virtual cloud with enhanced support. Through its automated analytics, it helps you understand the link between customer behaviour and business outcome. It even allows you to share positive client feedback directly on social media.



10. Qualtrics

Qualtrics is a provider of customer experience software offering features such as Text IQ, Stats IQ, and Predict IQ. It can easily be integrated with your existing tools as well. In addition to form building, multi-channel surveys, and data analytics are included. It provides options for managing customer, employee, product, and brand experiences. Closed-loop follow up is possible with these platforms, as well as customer analytics, customer retention, and digital CX.



11. Genesys

Genesys is a customer experience management saas company that provides call centre and customer experience technology to mid-sized and large businesses. The company offers a number of customer-centric solutions, including contact centres, asynchronous messaging, AI-powered contact centres, surveys, agent coaching, and various optimization tools. It provides a host of functionalities that will enhance the customer service experience. It also offers omnichannel contact centre and customer experience solutions in the cloud and on-premises.



12. Oracle Corporation

Oracle Corporation is a cloud customer experience management company that provides computing infrastructure and software to organisations around the world. Helpdesk platform Oracle Service uses AI to automate and predict customer interactions. These enable support agents to focus on delivering highly personalised customer service while removing unskilled busywork from their day.



13. Sprinklr

Sprinklr is a customer experience management company that offers AI chatbots and support for agents using AI by analysing in-memory interactions, predicting needs, and providing resources as needed. Through every channel, recommendations are made based on past interactions and user activity to provide a highly personalised service.



14. ContentSquare

Contentsquare is a global leader in digital experience intelligence and analytics that help you optimise and improve the digital experiences of your users. It provides tools for analysing customer journeys and visualising the results. The benefit of this is that designers and developers can understand the insights. For understanding where to prioritise, zone-based heat maps show how many clicks and conversions parts of a page earn.



15. Maxymiser

Maxymiser is a customer experience management saas company that allows marketers to customise what a customer sees on a web page. A/B and multivariate tests can be run on websites, mobile sites, and social media accounts with the Maxymiser software. Additionally, predictive analytics allows you to further personalise the customer experience. To create customer profiles, Maxymiser collects a variety of data about every online visitor.



16. OpenText

OpenText is a CEM software as a service company that develops and sells enterprise information management software. The company offers cloud-native solutions in a flexible, integrated platform. The software can be deployed either on-premises or in the cloud, and it works on any device. It allows you to manage web content, customer communications, and forms automatically. Also included are features for managing digital assets and optimising the workforce.



17. Salesforce

Salesforce is a cloud-based customer experience management company that provides customer relationship management software and applications focused on sales, customer service, marketing automation, analytics, and application development. The company now develops platforms, uses machine learning (ML), analyzes data, and utilises social networks. Cloud SaaS tools generate most of the company’s annual recurring revenue and are considered one of the company’s most innovative products.



18. Freshdesk

Freshdesk is a CEM software as a service company that provides a cloud-based customer service software platform that empowers businesses of all sizes to deliver stellar customer service. Email, web, phone, chat, and social media requests are converted into tickets by Freshdesk, and tickets can be resolved across all channels. Additionally, It enables you to automate workflows, provide self-service, manage SLAs, and measure metrics, all of which help you manage your customer support department.



19. Salesmate

Salesmate is a customer experience management company that caters to small and middle-sized businesses across several industries. The key features of the platform include contact management, sales pipeline management, and email marketing.  It allows users to create follow-up tasks for different stages of a deal, view them, organise and prioritise them and automate their creation using the pipeline view.



20. ClickTale

Clicktale is a SaaS-based, cloud-based analytic service that provides you with heatmaps and recordings of your visitors’ sessions so that you can visualise their behaviour. By using Clicktale, you can see how visitors interact with your website on desktops, tablets, and smartphones. It is integrated with Google Analytics (GA) so you can take advantage of its capabilities.


Knowing what customer experience management cem is and what the top 20 CEM companies are will help you pay more attention to this essential element of customer retention. Customer loyalty is a result of keeping your customers happy. You receive higher revenues when they are loyal, and you achieve greater product success when they are loyal.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)


1. What is Customer Experience in SaaS?

Customer experience in SaaS refers to the overall experience that customers have when using a CEM software as a service (SaaS) product. This includes everything from the user interface and ease of use to the customer support and satisfaction.



2. What is the Goal of CEM?

The goal of Customer Experience Management (CEM) is to create positive and memorable experiences for customers at every touchpoint with a business, in order to build brand loyalty, increase customer retention, and drive revenue growth.



3. Are CX and CRM the Same?

No, CX (customer experience) and CRM (customer relationship management) are not the same. CX is the overall experience that customers have with a brand, while CRM is a set of strategies and technologies used by businesses to manage and analyse customer interactions and data.



4. What is Digital CEM?

Digital CEM (customer experience management) is the process of managing and optimising the digital touchpoints that customers have with a business, such as websites, mobile apps, and social media platforms. The goal is to create seamless and positive digital experiences for customers.



5. What is CEM in Social Media?

CEM (customer experience management) in social media refers to the process of managing and optimising the customer experience on social media platforms, including customer support, engagement, and marketing. This involves monitoring and responding to customer feedback, analysing social media data, and leveraging social media for brand building and customer engagement.


Take advantage of Sekel Tech’s Customer Experience Management Platform



Each customer experience management company should have its own customer experience strategy. A customer-centric strategy that resonates with customers requires the right customer experience management solution. It's easy to choose the wrong solution for your business based on its popularity or features. During the selection process, your business objectives and customer needs should always be the focus. You need a customer experience management company that helps you to identify user problems and optimise their customer experience if you wish to win and keep customers, as well as sharpen your competitive edge.

Many businesses across the globe rely on Sekel Tech for their customer experience management cem needs. We provide advanced technology solutions for creating better customer engagements, increasing ROI, and enhancing customer experience. We help your marketing, sales, commerce, and service teams work as one from anywhere so you can keep them satisfied anywhere. Also, we help you craft contextual and personalised campaigns to engage your users through Push Notifications, In-app Messages, SMS, Web Push, Emails, and more. Our digital CEM services include Analytics, Segmentation, Engagement, Personalization, Journey Designer, etc.


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